Concept Art - "Battle Over the Bull Ring"
Here it is people, the first concept art showing the world of Streets of Myth, "Battle Over the Bull Ring". On these streets, you go mythic or you fuck right off. And I'm here to say that Ollie Jones over at Better Feeling Films KNOWS HOW TO GET FUCKING MYTHIC. I was and am completely blown away by his work here and I hope you are too.
These are the kind of scenes we're working towards. It's the kind of scene that inspired this project in the first place and Ollie, I believe, truly captured the spirit of the project: Our streets made epic.
This illustration shows a small part of the Battle for Birmingham as two fighters go airborne over the Bull Ring. This will be happening some time late in season 1. We'll be producing two more pieces of concept art and some posters as well very soon, all of which will be available in limited runs of mini and full-sized posters / illustrations available to people that back our Kickstarter campaign.
Until next time...