It is defeat that you must learn to prepare for...
“Han: We are all ready to win, just as we are born knowing only life. It is defeat that you must learn to prepare for.
Williams: I don’t waste my time with it. When it comes, I won’t even notice.
Han: Oh? How so?
Williams: I’ll be too busy looking gooood.”
As you probably know...
...the Streets of Myth suffered defeat at the hands of Kickstarter in April and since then there's been a major slow down in activity, both from us and from you.
We've made some statements, predictions and casual remarks about upcoming Streets of Myth projects and, to be fair, we haven't delivered on that yet. I imagine you're all rolling your eyes now every time something shows up in your Facebook vaguely promising something totally new and awesome from us... I know that would be my reaction at this point.
But I stand by the vaguely positive things I've been muttering to myself and occasionally putting online:
Defeated doesn't mean dead.
If you are reading this right now it means you probably like kung-fu movies and if we've learned anything from those movies it's this:
Everyone gets beat sometime. The hero is the one who gets back up, trains harder and wins later.
We're moving slower than we want, sure, but we're not sleeping over here. I feel a responsibility to keep pushing forward on this project and, in the spare time that I have, I am.
I feel like it's not good enough though. I feel like I'm letting the Streets down a little bit, and I'd like to apologise for that.
The truth is, I have been working on a new script since about May. And I finished that script maybe a month ago. It's a ten page script for a Streets of Myth short film that I felt would have a more realistic budget for a new Kickstarter campaign. I sent that script to a few trusted collaborators. They have unanimously, and I think correctly, panned it. That's my confession I guess: It took me five months to write something a bit shit. It's not ALL shit, but I definitely need to rethink it and rewrite it before I put anything official out in to the world.
So it's back to the drawing board I guess. Back to the blank page and blinking cursor staring back at me, saying, "Give me your best shot, punk".
I don't know how long any of this is going to take. I don't know how many of you still give a shit. I don't know if this will EVER work.
But here's the thing: I don't care. I really really don't give a fuck if it takes another 50 years to make one film. I'm still going to do it.
I'm just going to have to train harder...