Populating the Streets of Myth
One guy spins, one dude rhymes and another does a back flip off the wall. Yup, we're in the Streets of Myth for sure.
We can go toe to toe, blow for blow. I'll take you out, Mad Flow you know I put on a show.
The Streets resident freestyler Mad Flow (@Flow_Mad) nailed it: We put on a show.
It was important to us to make the world of the film bigger than our two main characters and their conflict, so we went out of our way to fill the set with loads of interesting people. We wanted it to feel like we could have followed any one of these characters out of the building and still made a really entertaining film.
I was thinking of it like a hip-hop / kung-fu version of the Mos Eisley cantina .
We put out a call for extras and performers (special thanks to UrbanTrix Academy again!) and the Midlands came out in a big way.
DJ Silence keeps it rockin'
Colosseus defying gravity
The final shot, including a flying Matt Jones.