Streets of Myth

A live action web-series set in an alternate-universe, contemporary England where every neighbourhood is a fiefdom and every wrong look can end in blood.


At first glance, the Birmingham in Streets of Myth looks a lot like ours. The buildings look about right. The clothes are the same. The kids listen to hip-hop and hard rock. Birmingham's neighbourhoods are roughly the same too: Aston, Digbeth, Nechells, The Jewellery Quarter & more.

But instead of a city, they are a loose collection of gangs and petty rivalries, tied together and policed by the weakened and corrupt forces of The Crown. These gangs aren't quite like our gangs though. They don't have guns.

They have swords, spears and the ancient martial traditions of the Far East. Each neighbourhood has their own power structure, their own laws and their own fighting style.

The Streets of Myth are a place that lies at the intersection of DJ's and dim-maks, kings and graffiti, B-boys and bloodied swords.


That was cool... Now what?

Our proof-of-concept teaser, "Enter the Streets of Myth" (watch here if you somehow missed it) was released as promised in the first half of November. OK, maybe with just three hours to spare, but whatever… we got there.

The response so far has been phenomenal. We've been picked up on several blogs, mostly action / martial art oriented, but also a few that cover all things Birmingham; and collected a good number of views, new followers and hopefully some new fans.

The first question I get is something like, "How awesome are Beau and Zara?" to which I generally reply, "They are all of the awesomes." The second question has been something like, "So where's this Kickstarter?" The assumption being that we are already super famous and there are legions of people ready to throw cash at us.

I'm humbled you think that, but I'm afraid this is sadly, so sadly, untrue.

As I said, the response has been great, but we're going to need a whole lot more eyeballs on the Streets of Myth before we can successfully crowd-fund anything. And we will, have no doubt… but we need to give it a little bit of time.

A better question might be, "So what precisely ARE you Kickstartering (is that a word yet)?"

Episode 01, Scene 01

Episode 01, Scene 01

We'll be raising funds to produce a pilot episode. Not a webisode or another short or something simple. One full, 30-minute episode called "The King's Arms" that lays the groundwork for a proper season of television. Television like we've all come to expect, thanks to The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones and all the rest, that has a large cast of fully developed characters wrapped up in an intense, captivating story that spans multiple episodes and seasons.

As far as I'm concerned, this pilot will be good enough to show on any channel or any screen on this planet.

I promise I was taught to have better handwriting...

I promise I was taught to have better handwriting...


We've already outlined the majority of season 1 and written the first three episodes. That's about 90 pages of script done and material mapped out for another 8 to 10 episodes.

But we can't get to any of those awesome, epic battles if we don't start in one tiny little pub on the border of Aston and Lozells. And we can't get to that pub without your help and support.

Right now, we're aiming for an early (very early) 2014 campaign on Kickstarter. If that works, we'd be filming around spring 2014 and releasing sometime in late summer / early autumn. Obviously that's total speculation at this point, but that's my plan!

In the meantime, if you liked what you saw, show it to someone else...

Our first steps into a larger world...

The first film set in the Streets of Myth universe will make its way to the Internet nine days from now.

We'll be spending those nine days scoring (with original music!), finishing off the colour correction and sound mix and generally dotting every I and crossing every T before hitting the "upload" button with some combination of joy and dread.

Once this goes into the wild, this blog will start looking forward to the series proper, with profiles of the different characters, sample pages of scripts and updates on all things Mythic...

Face Off

The arms are fair,
When the intent of bearing them is just.

- Henry IV, Part 1  ;  Act V, Scene 2


Enjoy our last pre-release pic from the fight scene! You're just going to have to wait for the teaser to get the rest...